Plot - An event that makes up stories. The events that relate to one another in a pattern or in a sequence. An example is how the story relates to each other through the cause and the effect or there are occurrences of two incidences in the story at the same time at the same time like they were planned.
Example- the article by John Updike, Sammy the employee decides to quit his job so that he could catch up with the girls. When he went outside at the parking lot to chase the girls, they had already left. He loses the girls and the job at the same time.
Character- The set of qualities or properties that gives an actor a merit. The qualities distinguish a person or thing from another. Example; a trait, good …show more content…
They wanted to catch the mind of the opposite sex and control them emotionally.
Motif - A subject that is repeated several in a piece of writing or on a play. The theme, an idea which dominates a story with features that explain the purpose of the writer.
Example; in John Updike story, Sammy was interested with the girls as he watched them walking around the store. He had imaginations on how he could connect with them and also he was sexually attracted mostly to the girl who was called Queenie.
Tone (atmosphere or mood) - Any resonant sound, a sound with respect to its pitch, volume, accent infection or modulation especially of voice or color. It can also be a character, a style, a temper or a spirit.
Example; According to John Updike story, the manager Lengel said, "but this isn't the beach." he affected the mood and atmosphere of his workers in the store and the girls were embarrassed.
Irony - A figure of speech that emphasis by stating the opposite, covert sarcasm, the frustration of hope. When a person gives a statement that means opposite to agitate or aggravate another party or a