The first woman to be elected into Congress was put into power two years after the ratification. The introduction of powerful women in society slowly squashed the idea that a woman's purpose in life was to provide a family for a man. Women started going out more and taking part in the same type of scandalous activities as men. One thing that has not changed over time is how people associate women with being emotional and allow us to be portrayed as sexual objects meant for man's entertainment. This has created culture where sexual harassment and rape are normalized and the fault is placed upon the victim. By allowing a space for this type of activity, women are more hesitant to push for a higher position or better wage. Young women like myself are afraid to pursue a high authority careers because of the backlash that comes with being a woman in power. Can the American Dream be well if it is progressing in an environment letting women hesitant to live their own dreams? It is worth noting that the rape culture women are facing is just as relevant of an issue for men. Every 1 in 10 rape victims is a man. We hear less about their side of the issue because, one it happens less often and two, what is dehumanizing for a woman feels magnified in a man's …show more content…
After 9/11, prejudice and discrimination regarding the Islamic faith specifically rose. Muslim-Americans started uprooting their lives and fleeing their own homes out of fear of retaliation. The wound becomes fresher and fresher with every terrorist attack because the generalization that all people of the Islamic faith are terrorists becomes reinforced with no valid evidence. Nowadays, those who resemble a Middle Eastern heritage are under attack and considered below the majority. This is a direct threat to their quest for the American