According to document 4 , by Jeffrey Rothfeder, it states” Virtually every country in the [ Middle East] region is running out of water quickly. With the region’s population expected to increase by as much as 15 percent by 2026- to about 350 million people-its water need will be double what they were in 1975’’. This goes to show that the almost every Middle Eastern countries are running out of water and the population need for water is going to increase as well in future years. In addition in document 4, it states “ geopolitical fights over these rivers are already breaking out’’. Scarcity affect the countries to take action and fight with one another over control of water because of the depletion of water. Just like Japan and the countries in Middle East, people will go as far as wage war to get the resources they needed, that's the cruelty of
According to document 4 , by Jeffrey Rothfeder, it states” Virtually every country in the [ Middle East] region is running out of water quickly. With the region’s population expected to increase by as much as 15 percent by 2026- to about 350 million people-its water need will be double what they were in 1975’’. This goes to show that the almost every Middle Eastern countries are running out of water and the population need for water is going to increase as well in future years. In addition in document 4, it states “ geopolitical fights over these rivers are already breaking out’’. Scarcity affect the countries to take action and fight with one another over control of water because of the depletion of water. Just like Japan and the countries in Middle East, people will go as far as wage war to get the resources they needed, that's the cruelty of