China, for example, is short of 25 kinds of mineral resources, including 11 that are crucial to the local economy and the Asia Giant will face a severe shortage of mineral resources by 2020. Furthermore, according to the Pacific Institute, 1 billion people already have difficulty in accessing drinking water and by 2050, a total of 4.8 billion people will be in water stress situation. Moreover, the conflicts caused by the lack of water already happen in some parts of the word, like in Darfur region, in Western Sudan, and between the countries crossed by Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the Middle East. In 2013, James R. Clapper Jr., the director of US National Intelligence, described the scarcity of natural resources (including water) as such a threat as terrorism and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. To all that, the privileged status of Amazonia became a worry for the Brazilian government, mainly after global Power leaders
China, for example, is short of 25 kinds of mineral resources, including 11 that are crucial to the local economy and the Asia Giant will face a severe shortage of mineral resources by 2020. Furthermore, according to the Pacific Institute, 1 billion people already have difficulty in accessing drinking water and by 2050, a total of 4.8 billion people will be in water stress situation. Moreover, the conflicts caused by the lack of water already happen in some parts of the word, like in Darfur region, in Western Sudan, and between the countries crossed by Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in the Middle East. In 2013, James R. Clapper Jr., the director of US National Intelligence, described the scarcity of natural resources (including water) as such a threat as terrorism and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. To all that, the privileged status of Amazonia became a worry for the Brazilian government, mainly after global Power leaders