Dan Buettner How To Be 100 + Summary

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Living to be 100+: Dan Buettner “How to Live to be 100+” conveys three different blue zones Okinawa, Sardinia, and California and how people in those blue zones live to be one hundred. He explains three simple ways a person can interact with their surroundings to gain a better perspective on how they may reach the age of one hundred: . He argues that a plant based diet with a multitude of exercise can exceed the human expectation on how long a person can live. Exercising while eating healthy contributes to a larger range of possibilities such as working until the age of ninety seven as a heart surgeon; however, our community looks upon this as outrageous. Today's communities such as mine are lucky if they even make it to the age of ninety seven, …show more content…
Longevity is found in my community through attending a church service; on the other hand many of our new generation children have not yet found themselves practicing in any religious attributes. After looking Buettner's main points of physical and mental health through a plant based diet, exercise, and spiritual practices, I not believe longevity can be achieved by my community and friends.
Eating adequately is not too much considered in the minds of people today. Buettner complains that “There is what Oprah tells us” and “ There is what Doctor Oz tells us” a typical reaction from a person on how they should properly eat (Buettner,2009). In Sardinia he deciphers how some men and women were living to such an extent. In his findings, their diet consisted of a high induced plant diet. He states “They came up with an unleavened whole wheat bread called carta musica made out of durum wheat” (Buettner,2009). With making a new type of bread the

Sardinians came up with a cheese high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Basically Buettner is saying by intaking Omega-3 a person is able to upkeep his or hers immune system by helping defend from cancer or cardiovascular disease. In doing so a person in Sardinia finds themselves living
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This connects to American media today, though the former first lady of the United States Michelle Obama. She started social awareness of physical activity periodically throughout the day,as well as creating many programs for smaller children throughout the country. She connected with children through the well know children's script
Sesame Street on national television. She uses Buettner's findings without even knowing it,
“Getting up and down off the floor thirty to forty times a day” (Buettner,2009). Buettner uses this describing a woman in Okinawa. The woman said to believe to be one hundred refuses to sit in chairs, however she will sit for her religious practices.In my group of friends we don’t practice religion, but we sure do sit down a lot, pretty much doing the opposite of physical activity.
Religious needs are met in various ways through my community, a mixture of the world's most know religions make up my surroundings. My boss practices Hinduism and has a specific room him and his family pray in everyday. This is very similar to the men and women in

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