Houston Community College’s governing board approved a resolution on Thursday reaffirming its support of the Texas Dream Act. The vote comes at the beginning of the Texas legislative session where bills have been introduced to repeal the law that gives certain undocumented students in-state tuition rates. While the repeal bills currently introduced are echoes of the unsuccessful 2015 repeal attempts, the rhetoric of President Donald Trump raises new concerns that repeal efforts may gain traction this year. Before the vote, Houston City Council Member Robert Gallegos spoke in support of the resolution at a rally outside the HCC administrative building.…
“Just Like Us,” written by author Helen Thorpe, invites societal members to enter the world of immigrants living in the United States. Helen Thorpe depicts the endeavors of two illegal immigrant young ladies, challenging the education system, to receive funding allowing them to attend college without proper documentation. At the present, this book challenges the perceptions of individuals who possess legal status in the United States to empathize with those who are struggling to achieve an equal status of those similar to their peers. As the book clearly illustrates, some immigrants are in fact among or are the elite students academically on campus (Thorpe 2009). The chapter begins with a domestic dispute between a father and daughter concerning an important event.…
Today are more than eleven million of immigrants that live undocumented in the United States. In fact, all those immigrants have to deal every day with an insecure situation that affects their whole lives. The author of Undocumented Dan-el Padilla Peralta described with interesting details his undocumented life. He came from the Dominican Republic to live in the USA with his family. Dan-el faced with a different reality from his family life in the original country.…
The children of immigrant parents’ having dreams of becoming an American citizen, may not become a dream after all according to Mark Krikorian’s DREAM On review. The author uses logos to persuade the audience by giving examples to convey his issues and context in this article of about the 2010 Dream Act bill Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s passed in the House of Representatives legalizing illegal immigrants’ children before the age of 16 if they comply with certain requirements is not effective. Mark Krikorian, is executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, wrote a commentary in December 2010 for Republicans/Conservative news uses strong logos to persuade his audience in this article. The authors’ interpretation of the Dream Act…
How can you condemn a child to poverty because you are unwilling to allow them to continue their education because they are illegal, and furthermore the actions, which made them illegal, were not even their action but rather their parents? How can you rightfully sit back while back while this atrocity happens so often? All this could be solved with the DREAM Act that would be implemented to allow for illegal immigrants (who fit the required criteria) to be allowed to pursue their secondary education, go into the military, and begin their track to earning citizenship. The DREAM Act will keep our nation on top of the competition in this time of globalization and flattening of the world by finding new curious and passionate minds who are willing…
Child Immigrants and the Benefits of the Dream Act “California is home to about 2.67 million undocumented immigrants” (Hill, Hayes). My family left Guatemala due to a broken marriage, when my mother came to the United States, she had difficulty adjusting to her new family; many illegal immigrants came to America as children and are eligible for the Dream Act, the United States should have weaker immigration laws to help these children attain a brighter future. In 1977 my grandmother Maria, migrated to the United States of America from San Sebastian, Guatemala. Although, she was surrounded by family, she felt she had no place left for her in Guatemala.…
According to “Immigrant Students Seek Lower Tuition” by Cara O’Connor, she tells the readers about the Dream Act legislation, and how it would provide higher education to undocumented students. Cara O’Connor points out the education benefit between residencies and undocumented immigrants can be different. The immigrants would pay higher fee for the tuition than the residency. The benefit of allowing undocumented immigrants students to pay in-state tuition is giving them opportunity to have higher education and will have a better job. When they have good jobs that pay more money, they will be able to pay higher…
Escaping Injustice You are on a deserted island with no escape, you feel like no one is on your side, you want change to happen, but so far all your effort to make it happen has drained out of you, so do you run or do you face the problem? Our nation has had so many immigration problems lately that these problems are getting out of control like as if it were cancer spreading throughout your body. The issue of immigration had been postponed for many decades now until the DREAM Act was passed in 2012 by the U.S. government. It is quite interesting to me that alien students don’t have the right to pursue an education if it was not for the ratification of the DREAM Act. So how are immigrants supposed achieve an education?…
With furthering your education as an undocumented adolescents who finished high school , you would have to pay out of school tuition which is really expensive because the cost of a state college as an international student can be 10 times higher and would not get the same benefits of who are born in America as citizen even though you were in class with them during your teenage years. In addition, the authors point out that even with the high tuition rate and paying for living expensive, room and board you would not be able to work in the united states because they have the status of an undocumented adolescent. So, they can pursue a college degree but cannot work in the field of their degree. In some cases, undocumented dreamers who lived most of their life undocumented could legitimize their status as they entered adulthood and become a citizen and do not have to go through the same process as Dreamers. In conclusion, Perez and Buriel elaborates the meaning of the DREAM Act and what it will do for undocumented dreamers and how they can live the American dream with a contrast of how the…
The dream of generation of 1.5 While I was looking up information I found out that an estimate that only between 5 and 10 percent of undocumented high-school graduates go to college not because they couldn’t but because they could not afford it. Professor Olivas has very good information on the Dream Act and wants to…
Even if the advocates of the DREAM Act would promote deporting future immigrants, people would wonder why the recipients of the DREAM Act were granted citizenship and yet citizenship will be denied to all other illegal immigrants. The DREAM Act insufficiently deals with the United States’ problem of illegal immigrants while presenting contradiction for the future options, contrary to the Act’s own goal. The DREAM Act may help to improve the lifestyle of the illegal immigrants, but in the process, American citizens will only end up hurting through their economy, education, and eventually the future of immigration. It will be rewarding the undocumented parents who committed an illegal act, an act undoubtedly committed for the sake…
The importance of looking at Latino immigrants and their children is not only because they are one of fastest growing populations but also because of the special circumstances that revolve around this population. Latino immigrants (mostly unauthorized) have lower levels of education, are less likely to receive government assistance, are overrepresented in low paying manual jobs, and are more likely to be in poverty. When looking at unauthorized adult Latino immigrants (ages 25-64), 47% have less than a high school education, by contrast, only 8% of native born individuals (ages 25-64) have not graduated from high school (Passel and Cohn, 2009). Of the United States 2008 labor force of 154 million people, there was an estimated 8.3 million…
Over eleven million undocumented Americans are living in the United States today. Two million are children that came to the United States under the age of ten years old. It is a travesty to punish these children for the actions of their parents. With the right support for the Dream Kids Act, Americans can change legislation and give these children the opportunity to earn their citizenship. As immigration affects our nation in alarming ways, it is necessary for the government to take action through immigration legislation, investment in community outreach and education for undocumented children.…
In the last decade or so, many important issues that were debated did not have much of an impact on local communities. However, one issue that is being debated today that will directly affect local communities is the policy on illegal immigration and how to control it. As we all know, immigrants looking for a new beginning founded this country and it has since been known as the country of second chances. The thought of the American Dream is what convinced so many people in centuries past to immigrate to America. This same reason is why today in America there are a large number of legal and illegal immigrants hoping to achieve this same dream.…
“The American Dream”, the most promising lifestyle all have aspired to reach some point for a better life, a better future or simply new beginnings it's not an easy journey especially for those migrating from another country. Immigrants have been the prime example of this search for hundreds of years here in the U.S., many of them come here seeking for a better tomorrow for not only themselves but their families as well. Many of these immigrants, however, are faced with the obstacle of not having citizenship. Entering the country illegally puts each and every one of them at risk of being taken away by immigration and has forced many of these families to live in constant fear of deportation and separation from their loved ones. Although thousands…