DHS has continually fought with its defensive safety accountabilities. Numerous assessments have acknowledged the problems in the Federal Protective Service's (FPS) administration of its tasks for safeguarding federal buildings. Even the U.S. Secret Service (USSS) has of late met challenges accomplishing its tasks for fortifying the White House and the President (Davis, 2014).
Another obligation within DHS's local security mission is to protect and shield the White House, the President, and other national leaders. Though the duty largely falls on the U.S Secret Service, formed a century before the inception of Homeland Security. However, latest actions advocate that there are sections needing improvement that the U.S. Secret Service ought to address so as to effectively implement its responsibilities for securing the White House, President and family, and other national leaders. An incident in September 2014 exposed an impending feebleness in the USSS's protection of the President and the White House composite (GOA, 2014). On September 19, 2014, a man soared through the White House fence, beat the perimeter security on the grounds, entered the White House structure through an unlocked door, dodged the arrest of a USSS officer upon entrance, where he came precariously near a stairway that leads to the First Family's dwelling beforehand being tackled and captured (GOA, 2014). The September incident was the most recent of a series of security lapses that have occurred recently, plus a serious attack against the White House that transpired in 2011 and convoluted the gunfire of a semiautomatic weapon at the White House, a rupture of security standards in 2009 when two reality TV characters collided during a White House State Dinner devoid …show more content…
DHS's programs and agenda at refining local security from possible terrorist attacks have a long history of problems. The agency technology systems and programs aimed to monitor and detect chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear attacks have failed to be effective or cost-efficient, considering the huge investment that was accorded to the project. DHS has equally struggled with its mandate of pinpointing and highlighting life-threatening infrastructure safeguard, counting expenditure of eight years and over a half a billion dollars on a program to protect chemical amenities which has yielded minimal results. The Department of Homeland Security has even thrashed to manage its duties effectually for safeguarding federal amenities and shielding the President of the United States. Assuming the importance of the country's counterterrorism and defensive security operations, Congress and the Department should review and reassess DHS's programs interconnected to its first mission and further eliminate initiatives which are non-essential in enhancing homeland