Organizations and officials usually contribute by going from school to school speaking to children about the matter to try and open kid’s eyes to help make a difference. Anti-bullying projects have strengths and also weaknesses, there is a lot of helpful resources and people willing to take action against these matters and individuals to help make a difference. On the other hand there still is a struggle to get these victims to step forward and ask for help or to even talk about the issues because they are numb from the situation and can have developed depression and social anxiety making it hard to look in someone’s face and express their feelings and by that time it’s too late. The problems identified relating to bullying is that it happens in all types of ways weather it’s physical or social and it’s happening at young
Organizations and officials usually contribute by going from school to school speaking to children about the matter to try and open kid’s eyes to help make a difference. Anti-bullying projects have strengths and also weaknesses, there is a lot of helpful resources and people willing to take action against these matters and individuals to help make a difference. On the other hand there still is a struggle to get these victims to step forward and ask for help or to even talk about the issues because they are numb from the situation and can have developed depression and social anxiety making it hard to look in someone’s face and express their feelings and by that time it’s too late. The problems identified relating to bullying is that it happens in all types of ways weather it’s physical or social and it’s happening at young