In the case of access to higher education, counter-storytelling enables students along with staff of the universities who explain their experience of being marginalized and provides the whole picture of the ongoing situation directly from the people involved. CRT is the only theory that provides a voice to the people who have been and are still being systematically oppressed, instead of the anlyzation of the systematic oppression itself by other theories (Hiraldo, 2015). “Race is a social construction, not a biological reality”. (Delgado, & Stefancic, 2012, p. 21). Providing a race-centered analysis deemed as imperative to separate gender and class when comparing experiences due to the variance in experience and performance compared to Caucasian students (Critical Race Theory in Higher Education, 2015). “Racial hierarchies determine who gets tangible benefits, including the best jobs, the best schools, and invitations to parties in people’s homes” (Delgado, & Stefancic, 2012, p. …show more content…
CRT is used as tool to help advance and promote the issue of minority access to higher educational attainment through the knowledge and general awareness of the years of segregation, discrimination, and underrepresentation that has led to the disproportional amounts of ethnic minorities with college degrees. In addition, CRT has another main component to it, which is social justice. Through the use of action, practice, and implementation, CRT becomes the driving force of real change in policies both at the state and federal levels to help bridge these historical gaps between the major powers (White supremacists) and the minority groups in the United States. Hopefully, when these changes are implemented into mainstream society educational attainment for Latinos and other ethnic groups in the U.S will rise, and we can truly achieve equality in the school systems and the workforce. This should be our main objective as citizens of the United States and we can accomplish this through using our voices and voting on policies along with pieces of