Essay On Education Disparities

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The United States is well-known for the core principles it so proudly holds: a country of equality and prosperity. The reality is that not all citizens of the United States are treated with equality, the rich mainly prosper, and not everyone has the equal opportunity to succeed, especially minorities. As the United States continues to grow, so does the minority population. It is of vital importance that minorities are successful and attain higher-level education as they are ones who will be leading America in the years to come. However, studies show minorities are less likely to attain college degrees because they are more prone to educational disparities and are often victims of external forces that cannot be ignored. In order to alleviate these health disparities …show more content…
Some may argue that students can ask their peer mates for help, but it is often the case the student just copies the homework and does not learn anything. On the other spectrum, an affluent neighborhood, where the parents are highly educated, can assist or even hire a private tutor or college advisor to help their kid with academic issues. Also, students are exposed to a high-quality education and more extracurricular activities and AP courses that can teach them valuable knowledge. Again, this problem of limited resources and lack of guidance is present at Azusa High School and it could be due to the fact the district 's spending/student of $9,859 is less than the state average of $10,739 ( To combat the educational disparities present, parents, school staff, and students must understand the problem, take initiative, and come together as a community to help the generations to

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