The Chicana/O Educational Pipeline: Article Analysis

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In the article “Why Use Critical Race Theory And Counter Storytelling To Analyze The Chicana/o Educational Pipeline,” the author gives examples on the educational system, personally the article reflects the corruption that exist in the life of a person of color. Critical race theory (CRT) is working to transform education inside and out of the classroom. The white supremacy that the pipeline represents is negative connotation on our community, and future. The educational system has a disturbing effect on pressuring children into giving up. The struggle of growing up, in elementary already being a statistic in the eyes of the system. If a child gives up it gives the satisfaction to the white person in charge. As a community we would have to …show more content…
This can be a problem in the long run because they now become the oppressors, while we become the oppressed. One example would be the Mexican border patrol officers that lost their mind to control and commit illegal acts towards people that are crossing over. While some acts weren 't as violent, some officers wont care and will assault them. Furthermore the actions that one makes cause a ripple affect in communities. It affects the educational system which cause the children to be imprinted with different ideas, to either succeed or fail. Although the educational pipeline does encourage students to work hard, on the other hand it intimidates the …show more content…
The slides were very clear and clean, what had surprised me the most was that chicanos or lower class students wanted to be treated equal as everyone else. The students would protest because they were receiving books that were torn and ruined, the desks were all torn and broken. One of the ways I related to the walk outs is how our educational system receives school funding. The way that schools receive funding or have money is based on the area the school is in, if school A is placed in a wealthy community that school receives tons of funding, while school B is placed in a low income community which the school receives less money to fund clubs, teachers and after school programs. As I look back, I notice how one way or another white supremacy is being pushed upon the school system and overall in our society. The presentation had caused me to reflect on the struggles that we face, while on the other hand I look to see where we are at. We no longer suffer as much because of people like the students of Garfield and Lincoln, all the schools in L.A that had the courage to walk out and speak for what was

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