I responded to a homicide scene that took place at a nearby gas station/convenience store at 0300 hrs. When I arrived, I was immediately briefed about what has taken place at this scene. There was a mother, a child, and an employee that witnessed the event. I was also informed that there was also a deceased on scene. Upon entering the crime scene the following evidence came to light: a dead body with a piercing created by a gun round, a lottery ticket that contained blood and smeared print on it, a black 9mm semi-automatic weapon underneath an ice cream cooler, a box of cigarettes and the empty carton on the floor, an empty casing by the entrance door, a six pack of cold beer on the floor by the cooler, a bullet round embedded in …show more content…
Also, information such as weather conditions, time of arrival at the scene should also be documented. The crime scene should be closed off in order to preserve the scene and any evidence. The entire gas station and convenience store should be closed off from the public in order to preserve the integrity of any possible evidence.
Proper briefing should be obtained by the first on scene officer and he or she should inform if the scene is secure to initiate investigation of the crime scene.
The investigator must also ensure that witness statements are obtained from the additional store clerk, the mother and the child. The investigator must make a visual assessment of the area; investigator must also take note of specifics, such as the weather, the positioning of any evidence and the positioning of the body. Depending on the weather evidence must be obtained quickly in order to preserve its integrity. Photographic evidence must be ensured that is taken from every angle and proper seizure of evidence should be obtained from any video surveillance cameras, if available. The investigator must also ensure that every personnel involved in recovering evidence from the crime scene is wearing proper equipment, such as their gloves and masks. Also it is imperative that they use sterile equipment when retrieving evidence in order to avoid …show more content…
Items that were fumed with super glue should be packaged carefully to preserve its integrity (Ramotowski, 2012).
The body of the deceased victim should be handled carefully and take into the lab for retrieval of evidence. Every piece of clothing and personal property will be examined for possible prints. Also, every inch of exposed skin shall be examined for latent prints as well. In regards to the witnesses they should all be interviewed individually. Each witness should be screened for Gun shot Residue, and fingerprints shall be obtained from each one of them (McGuire, 2008).
Each member of law enforcement and its forensic team play a significant role when dealing with crime scenes such as this. The preservation and gathering of evidence is as crucial as the gathering of information from bystanders and witnesses. It is crucial that each participant involved with a crime conduct their performance with absolute care and properly so that the right person is arrested and properly