Creon's Role In Antigone Essay

Improved Essays
Bri Chapman

The Gods play an important role in greek society. The greeks believed that the Gods were the cause of everything. Lightning bolts shooting out of the sky meant Zeus must be angry. A hurricane comes in off the coast, then Poseidon must be feeling anxious. In greek stories the gods were always in control of everything. If one person: human or god, became out of hand, the gods would punish that person. Disobeying the gods always came with consequences; which Creon didn’t understand. In Antigone, Creon has made it illegal to bury Polyneices, turning Polyneices into a bad guy. Even though Creon and him both wanted the same thing: to rule Thebes. Creon is corrupted with pride and paranoia, he even says to Choragus “yet money talks and he who is the wisest has been known to count a few coins too many” (1076). Creon is very concerned that his subjects are going to overthrow him; he becomes so paranoid that he even believes that he is above the god’s laws. Too late, after his only son has been killed, Creon finally realizes that “The laws of the gods are mighty, and a man must serve them To the last day of his life” (1101).
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During Antigone, Haemon tries to tell Creon that killing Antigone wouldn’t do any good; He says to Creon “ Then she must die. But her death will cause another” (1092). Haemon presents his concerns very gently yet firmly to his father, telling him that “In flood time you can see how some trees bend, And because they bend, even their twigs are safe, while stubborn trees are torn up, roots and all” (1091). Creon is too far gone to listen to reason; he thinks everyone is out to destroy him, even his own son. Haemon’s pride leads him to reject his father’s authority out of anger and love for

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