Creon Foolishness In Antigone

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In the play “Antigone”, by Sophocles, I am going to prove Creon the new king was foolish, prideful, and stubborn. I will also prove that his actions affected his future in a bad way. These actions and choices did not only affect him but his family and kingdom. I will also talk about his foolishess and how he handled encounters in the wrong way. These following paragraphs will provide all the evidence I will need.
In scene one Creon is having a meeting to establish his position as the new king. Creon tells the Chorus his plans to not bury Polyneices. Choragos did not agree with his decision and said, “Only a crazy man is in love with death.” This was found on pg.778. This quote gives the sense that even Choragos believes that Creon is foolish and his actions are unjust. When you continue reading there are many examples that Creon is a very foolish man. Towards the middle of the play Creon speaks with the blind prophet. The prophet warns Creon about his actions and how they will doom him if he does not right his wrongs. Creon then foolishly insults the prophet by saying, “The generation of
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Creon believed that his law was like the word of the Gods. Creon viewed himself as more important than everyone else and that what he said goes, he was prideful. After Creon sentenced Antigone to death, Creon’s son Haimon who was also engaged to Antigone came to speak to him. When Creon was speaking to Haimon he asked him if he was loyal, Haimon then said yes he was loyal. When Creon heard this he said, “Good, that is the way to behave: subordinate everything else my son to your father’s will.” This quote was found on pg.792. Creon had so much pride in his son when he heard this, he assumed his son would support his decision. This only made him seem even more

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