Creon's Laws In Antigone

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People choose this laws depending on how they will benefit them. If the laws were flip, Creon would have justified his actions by declaring that because of his moral laws no one should bury Polynices with the proper burial rites. He expected everyone to follow his orders because he had the authority to dictated anything he wanted.

Creon’s authority comes with a huge price in this play. In this play, Creon is the maximum authority and he expects everyone to obey whatever he says. Creon claims that his rule must be obeyed even if it’s wrong in order to avoid anarchy or chaos. As the play goes on, anarchy comes in different ways. Antigone refusing to obey Creon made him feel disrespected and embarrass because she is a woman, and also made his own son disobey him and side with her. Creon’s authority seems to be the only thing he values because he goes to great lengths to prove it. When the blind prophet Tiresias arrives, Creon promises to take whatever advice he gives.
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Men didn't saw women as their equal, they saw them as servants that could only have children, cook, and clean their houses. When Antigone challenge Creon’s authority and laws, he did everything in his power to make her pay for what she had done. Also she was a woman, so that made her actions even worse in his eyes. Women couldn't go around disobeying men and even worse, disobeying kings. Antigone didn't only fight for the right of her brother, she also fought for her right to be heard. She wanted to be heard; for her opinions and suggestions to be considered not just be thrown away like they are nothing. Antigone wanted equality not only gender equality but also for his brother to be treated like anyone else and be buried with the proper burial rites. The tragedy she suffers wasn't only hers, but also was from every person suffering the injustice of a king consume by power. In the end, Creon’s insecurities became his greatest

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