“Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way .“when the choragos in sophocles play, antigone, speaks this line to prevent that she is a strong woman. She would do anything that she believes that is the right thing. Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus, and she is the sister of Ismene , she is also the sister of Polyneices. Antigone has lost both of her brothers in the civil war and is confronted with a difficult choice. Antigone honors her fallen brother and is willing to risk losing her own life and the life of her sister Ismene. Antigone is the sister of Polyneices and she believed the right thing to do for Polyneices was to give him a proper burial. She new she would be breaking Creon's law , but she was not going to let him …show more content…
She is the niece of creon. She is also the daughter of oedipus. Even though Antigone was the niece of creon he did not let her get away with things. He treated everyone the same way. Jocasta was the sister of creon. Therefore she was Antigone's mother. Jocasta hanged herself because she found out she slept with her son. Both Antigone and Jocasta hanged themselves to get away from the misery.
Antigone died for what she believed in. She thought that she had to do what was right for her brother. She wanted to make sure he had a proper burial.”I deny nothing”, She even took all the blame for everything she did not deny anything to Creon. Antigone new if she did something that she wasn't suppose to do, she knew she would have gotten in trouble or be punished for it. Antigone did not mind the trouble she was gonna get into, she knew she was doing the right thing. Antigone has died she killed herself because she thought that it was best ,then to jst sit there and die slowly.
Therefore, Antigone is the tragic hero in the play. She had so many characteristic which lead to her downfall. She she had loyalty to the gods and conversely, her disloyalty to the king. Antigone also did what she believed was right for her and her family. Even though she was the royal birth she still did not get what she wanted. She got treated just like the others. What