Equality between all was very important to this family; hence, they risked their lives to save others. Uniformity between genders is crucial. Saudi Arabia leads the world in unfair treatment between genders. Throughout daily life, women’s rights are very slim. Driving a car, going anywhere without a chaperone, and trying on clothes while shopping aren’t acceptable for women to do (“Eleven Things Women in Saudi Arabia Cannot Do). In 2013, women were typically paid 75-80 percent of what men were paid for the same work (Hill). I know how lucky I am to live in the United States …show more content…
It was put in place to raise up a healthier generation of kids. In theory, this seems like a good idea. However, if you take into consideration the amount of wasted food, it’s not worth it. During the 2009-2010 school year, food waste in Minnesota schools made up nearly 24% of all waste produced by the school. This is the highest percentage from one group of waste. The students of Harvard School of Public Health completed a study which revealed that 60% of fresh vegetables and 40% of fresh fruit were being thrown away since students are forced to take them. Approximately $4 million is lost every single day in wasted food. Over 600 schools across the country decided to opt out of the school lunch program since fewer students are buying school lunches. When kids don’t eat their lunches, they stay hungry throughout the remainder of the day, which leads to a decrease in their success in