Specific purpose: To persuade people in the U.S to act against unhealthy school lunches in order to receive healthy meals instead.
Thesis: Instead of schools serving unhealthy lunches to students, we should feed the students with healthier foods that way they can stay away from certain health problems and have a better start towards their nutrition and academic performance.
I. The Attention Step
A. Attention: Ever wonder why a third of the kids living in the U.S are overweight or why your child loses attention so quickly during a school lecture. Both of these problems lead to one factor, unhealthy school lunches. Schools in the U.S are giving kids a bigger surplus of unhealthy calories than they already need which …show more content…
Instead of schools serving unhealthy lunches to students, we should feed the students with healthier foods that way they can stay away from certain health problems and have a better start towards their nutrition and academic performance.
Preview: F. I would now like to talk about three details of unhealthy school lunches. Why there is so much unhealthy food in school lunches, why we should care about school lunches, and the solution to the problem.
II. The Need step
A. First Main Point The first point is why there is unhealthy food in school lunches.
a) The main reason for this is because unhealthy foods are a huge source of revenue to schools.
b) The amount of money a school makes from federal reimbursements and fundraising isn’t enough to suffice their financial costs. Therefore they must rely on competitive foods, which are foods that are sold outside of school lunches.
c) Examples of competitive foods are vending machines, school stores, and fundraising events that provide money for school programs.
d) Students will always take a more liking towards unhealthy foods such as pizza, chips, and candy rather than fruits and vegetables. Therefore there will always be a demand for schools to sell these unhealthy