Kaut (2003) studied the symptoms of a head injury, and individuals reported memory loss and physical brain damage. Also those who enter college sports may have been diagnosed with a concussion and will more likely get symptoms of a head injury. It’s important to be aware of individuals with the symptoms because 25% of athletes don’t report them while in field. I am interested in the athletes who don’t report their symptoms and would like to do more research on it.
High Risk
Gassel et al. (2007) reported that for both groups, college athletes are the ones at most risk compared to high school athletes, but the high schoolers have a high number of head injuries than the college athletes. I want to find out why this is the case and look into more in my research. What are the conditions between the two groups and if it is an environmental factor.
5 E model program The 5 E model consist of epidemiology, education, enforcement, environment and evaluation. Epidemiology is done by finding when concussions occur because it focuses on populations at most risk. Education takes a role by providing valid information from databases to the athletes. Enforcement is by having regulations that raises awareness of concussions. This program by Lo and Bess (2014) is new and interesting to me because it is a unique approach to prevent concussion. I would really like to find out more of how to conduct this