Fredrick Douglas And Martin Luther King Jr.

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My essay that I have choose the two main domains are the Constitutions, “We, the People of the United States America” and “Declaration of the Independence”. However; both laws are violated against African American Rights, along with the comparison of the two famous historical African American men, Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King Jr., who fought for freedom rights, civil right, humanity and equality and justices for all Negros men, women and children, who were slaves during the Civil War Eras and Civil Rights Eras. Also, include the current historical role leader President Obama Eras of the 21st century.
The constitution stated, “We, the People of the United States of America” is the most powerful and bold statement founded by the
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He was invited by the commemorate people before Abraham Lincoln, during the Independence Day Celebration to convince his audience with the argument speech based on the Declaration of Independence are false and violated against African American without having any freedom or justice being an American citizen to enjoy the Independence Day instead of the Negros continue to suffer the brutally and without freeing bondages for Negros to get a full citizen in America. Douglas felt rage thought of the Declaration of Independence, was established for American citizen with having their rights of freedom and justices in America. In lieu, to convince them that the law is violated against African American rights and the statement are hypocrite, liar and “false to the past, present and solemnly bind herself to be false to the future” (Douglas, 343), that only serves to perpetuate slavery. The law is broken because the government and the white immigration, who are brainwashed or denied or refused to revise the Declaration of Independence, in believing that they (white people) are not savages or slaves for coming to America from another country, instead of finger pointing to Native Indian, Negros and Hispanic as a savages and slaves without having any rights to become a citizen of America or freedom for life. It’s a mental and vicious …show more content…
Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King., were the main historical role leaders, who did voices for African American rights in America as comparing to the 21st century, as some African American people believed that the President Obama is the role leader for ramification the constitutions and 12th and 14th Amendments as based on slavery without given African American rights in American, in addition for promising them to have equal rights, fair justices, freedom and liberty as a full American citizen, who can voices out rather they votes or not. It is hard to not to give up our rights rather being taken away and it hard to go hands to hands to keep on fighting until our voices are heard or change the constitutions, can be solved to help them (governments and the white people) to stop breaking any more laws. As, we are the people, who are no longer coordinate the constitution because there are so many more diversity “melting pots” cultures, whom are born or lived in the America as a citizen and to deserved the rights to get equal freedom, justices and voting rights. The

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