MMA is also known as (Mixed Martial Arts), In MMA they use smaller gloves with openings in the fingertips and are light weight. The gloves are actually used for protection for the knuckles and the opponent's face and body. These gloves can also help with take downs, take downs are not allowed in boxing. The rules for MMA fighting are are that you can grab your opponent, you can take them down, use kicks, knees, and elbows. MMA has more unique techniques than boxing because you never …show more content…
Boxing uses bigger gloves with more padding and the fingers are closed in, which doesn't allow you to grab your opponent like the MMA gloves can. Boxing rules are more simple than MMA, in boxing you can only punch and kick with the top parts of their foot. Because their rules are just mainly in using their hands and kicking, their power has to be in their hands and kicks. In MMA you have so many skills to comprehend unlike boxing. Therefor boxing is more simpler than MMA fighting.
Because the two sports have to do with fighting, they both still have similarities. For Example they both use punching as a technique. Punching is the main similarity in both boxing and MMA. But that's not all that they have in common they also have a referee to enforce the rules and make sure that they have fair fights.They also last but not least fight in rings with only one opponent on each side of the ring. Thats pretty much where the similarities end in MMA and boxing.
Although they shape some similarities, Boxing is way more easier because all you have to have is speed and strength in your hands and arms. As in MMA you have to have skills and techniques in take downs, knees, punches, and kicks, which acquires a lot of knowledge. Athletes may not see these differences when they choose their choice of fighting and may also pick the wrong