Schindler’s List captures many creative forms of symbolism in the movie. Janet Maslin wrote, “Schindler’s List begins with the sight of Jewish prayer candles burning down to leave only wisps of smoke” (“Schindler’s”). Inside a Jewish home, the lit candle is set on a table, and burns a yellow flame. The candle is a representation of the Jewish faith and the …show more content…
However, Schindler’s List and The Book Thief share an incredible storyline. Like Schindler’s List, The Book Thief is a dramatic film that details both the beauty and destruction that life in this era brought. The Book Thief focuses on the life of Liesel Meminger, a nine-year-old girl living in Germany during World War II. The main characters in The Book Thief and the main character in Schindler’s List both shared a common trait, selflessness. They were willing to risk their own lives to save the Jewish people. Liesel, the daughter of Communist parents, was sent to stay with a foster family at the beginning of the war. Her foster father befriends a Jew and promises to take the Jewish man’s son Max into the home for hiding. Liesel gives Max her bedroom, and she is forbidden to tell anyone about Max being in their home. Risking her own life, she promises to do anything to keep Max from harm. Similarly, Oskar Schindler risks his life and fortune to save eleven hundred