In “Night”, Eliezer’s gold crown been taken away by a soldier's. He had lost desire of living because gold crown is the last valuable thing he has. That gold crown was something he holds onto, because of that gold crown encourage him to live on. In “Schindler’s List”, Gold also a valuable thing but Jewish choose to give it to Oskar Schindler. They gave him their valuable gold because they were thankful for make them live on.
Family is the one we love, and the one who we care. In Holocaust, family were separated. The one we love died, and we can't reunion ever in our live. Eliezer (“Night”) and his father work and lived together in the camp, however, Eliezer feels that his father was a burden. Eliezer wanted to live on but he can’t, because he had father as a burden. He was so hopeless when he think about that. Different from “Schindler’s List”, family hold a strong feeling toward each other. They wished that another family live on. They have a hope that they can live happily together.
“Night” and “Schindler's List” was about how cruel Jewish people facing during the Holocaust. The only different thing in this two novel/movie is “Night” end with hopeless feeling, but “Schindler’s List” end with happy, hopeful