The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas is a fictional story of two unlikely friends between a German boy and Jewish prisoner where Boyne creates a story that leaves an unknown outcome. Boyne represents how little Bruno knows about Shmuel’s situation through the use of friendship and innocents he sets the tone for the readers. Boyne represents this in one of Bruno and Shmuel’s first conversations, “It’s so unfair. I don’t see why I must be stuck here on the other side of the fence where there is no one to talk too and no one to play with and you get to have dozens of friends and are probably playing for hours every day (P.111).” This quote represents dramatic irony showing the reader Bruno has a very big misconception of the way things were done signifying that although Bruno knows little of Shmuel’s situation he is still able to accept and move on. This allows the reader to understand that Bruno has a very childlike understanding of the holocaust but also leads to the strong relationship of the two despite the differences they hold. This represents a very significant part in Schindler’s List corresponding much to the way how Schindler feels about the Jews even though they are portrayed to be trapped in his factory. Schindler creates a very close friendship with his Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern, where the friendship is tested when he asks for Schindler to save his people. This allows the readers to developing a deeper understanding of Schindler’s of trust and kind ways as Jews and Nazis were forbidden friendships. Although both novels represent friendship in different ways the authors are able to break down the significance friendships had during the holocaust demonstrating one of the key themes both novels tried to
The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas is a fictional story of two unlikely friends between a German boy and Jewish prisoner where Boyne creates a story that leaves an unknown outcome. Boyne represents how little Bruno knows about Shmuel’s situation through the use of friendship and innocents he sets the tone for the readers. Boyne represents this in one of Bruno and Shmuel’s first conversations, “It’s so unfair. I don’t see why I must be stuck here on the other side of the fence where there is no one to talk too and no one to play with and you get to have dozens of friends and are probably playing for hours every day (P.111).” This quote represents dramatic irony showing the reader Bruno has a very big misconception of the way things were done signifying that although Bruno knows little of Shmuel’s situation he is still able to accept and move on. This allows the reader to understand that Bruno has a very childlike understanding of the holocaust but also leads to the strong relationship of the two despite the differences they hold. This represents a very significant part in Schindler’s List corresponding much to the way how Schindler feels about the Jews even though they are portrayed to be trapped in his factory. Schindler creates a very close friendship with his Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern, where the friendship is tested when he asks for Schindler to save his people. This allows the readers to developing a deeper understanding of Schindler’s of trust and kind ways as Jews and Nazis were forbidden friendships. Although both novels represent friendship in different ways the authors are able to break down the significance friendships had during the holocaust demonstrating one of the key themes both novels tried to