The similarities between rites of passage is that the both had to do one thing to become adult and they both did one thing to have to become and adult. They both change from child to adults And the similarities between the video and the passage is that they both had to listen to a person to become an adult. It was difficult for both of them because they had to go trough a thing on their life. What they also did go through is the both had to put in something inside the medicine bag to represent something for theme so they could remember them. And also they both least something to become an adult. …show more content…
And martin just had to listen to his grandpa and it came to a point that grandpa was feeling bad and he slowy pass away and telling him about the medicine bag and he talk about the medicine bag and that he had to pass it to the older son when he was dieing and he could not give it to him early. And on the video the girl had to go through 4 day with showing no motion or else it will not work and she also had to dance for 10 hours and it look like she was really tired and there were no brake for the dance because each step she did it mean something. Other differences is that one was becoming a woman and a another a male. There were also doing different thing to make them both a