“The Lottery” was a fictional short story by Shirley Jackson posted in a magazine, “The New Yorker”, on June 26th, 1948. “The Lottery” was taken place on June 27th. It was a warm day, with green grass and flowers. There was about 300 people present, they all lived in the same village. The main characters were Mr. Summers and Tessie Hutchinson. The Lottery took about 2 hours. What happened is that the men, one husband/man from each family, came and drew a ticket from the black box. And there was one ticket with a black dot. Whoever drew that black dot was “winning”. So the person that turned out with the black dot, would return the black dot to Mr. Summers, and the extra tickets, but how many members …show more content…
The movie was quite similar to the story. The summary and every action was similar. First, the ritual to the lottery was the same. There were many steps to getting ready for the drawing, so they needed a black box to put all the tickets in. Then the people would place the black box on a stool, and the operators were the same as in the story. Also, the dialogues were quite the same comparing to the story. Everything Tessie, or Mr. Summers, or even Mr. Hutchinson said was the same. Next, the rules in the lottery were the same. The men went up to go draw for the families, and they were told to hold the slips of paper in their hand until every man from a family got a slip of paper. Finally, the one to get drawn was Tessie. Tessie protested against her death, and she got stoned. The plot is important to be similar because it explains the story more and if you changed it, it would change the whole story. In conclusion, these are several similarities in the connection from the movie to the …show more content…
Again, the viewer chose the theme “Power of Tradition” to match the story and movie. The theme matches well to both the story and movie because as the viewer could see, both stories were showing how tradition can make us do things, and we think it’s OK to do them. But when we follow tradition, we do things as in killing,or persecute, things we care about. The viewer thought the movie was better because the movie showed more emotion and it was easier to tell what was going on. Apparently, the movie was able to be seen visually, so that helps with understanding what is going on too. So, if you watched the movie and read the story, which would you think would be better? After all of these details, which will you