Worldviews impact to Christian manager/leaders
There are multiple worldviews that are recognized throughout the UK population and more especially the workforce. Furthermore, leaders should be capable of comprehending that a worldview can be either a personal preference and or a religious discernment about past experiences. It is imperative that leaders maintain a complete understanding what a worldview is and who might have one. Leaders should be cautious of individual worldviews since they are commonly created by assumptions which may lead to “in the ballpark type of thinking” (Futrell, 2016). As Christian leaders develop relationships with their subordinates they will discover personal issues, personality traits, ambitions, concerns and a subordinate may reveal what religion they practice. For instance, a Muslim may want their boss to know that they are Muslim so that they can celebrate Ramadan instead of Christmas. An Atheist may tell their boss that they don’t appreciate Christmas and Ramadan decorations. Therefore, a Christian leader personally may have an issue with these requirements and inadvertently create a hostile environment. Furthermore, that Christian leader may be compelled to witness to either to the Muslim or Atheist. Ultimately, non-believers do not go to work seeking a relationship with Jesus, and those people could easily be placed in a position that they are uncomfortable and their quality of work could be severely affected. Additionally, if the Christian leader chooses to witness than a Muslim employee would have every right to try and convert their fellow employees to Islam. Regardless if a leader invites religion into the office space, there will be individuals that are offended, therefore, creating a negative climate that is not friendly and less productive. Christian manager/leader’s preparation From a global perspective, the 2050 projections predict that the Muslim population will increase and possibly surpass the Christian population. The Buddhist population will grow …show more content…
Currently, the UK has two main practicing religions to include Islam and Christianity. Additionally, there is a growing population of individuals that do not practice any type of religion. Therefore, it is imperative that Christian leaders and managers take into consideration their current and future subordinates worldviews and be mindful to their religious customs and courtesies. Furthermore, it is vital that Christian leaders abide by Proverbs 12:26 NIV which states “the righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.” Therefore, future Christian leaders that may work in the UK should complete research prior to taking a job and ensure that they are going to work in an environment that supports their beliefs and morals. If, all Christian leaders adhered to John 14:12 NIV “very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” then their example will lead non-believers in Jesus and help recommit non-practicing