While a person can fall from grace, a person can also be saved by grace. After the literal …show more content…
The Narrator and the people are similar in way that, that both observe the suffering of others, but do nothing about it. They would rather protect ignore the suffering and pretend that all is good in the world. The only difference, is that death makes the Narrator realize that the world is not perfect, and that you cannot ignore the suffering of yourself or others. With Sonny, he is greatly similar to the boy who was locked away in the closet. Like the child trapped in the closer, going back to testimony, Sonny tries to explain all the pain and problems he is facing, but it seems like no one is listening, and eventually he turns to drugs fully and stops trying to explain himself. The child tries to plead and beg for someone to help it, but when no one listens it eventually gives up and stops talking altogether. There was parallel where Sonny stated in the story “At the bottom of something, stinking and sweating and crying and shaking, and I smelled it you know? my stink” (Baldwin 144). The child is seen sitting in it’s own stink as well giving up on life, because it knows and feel like no one is ever going to help, something that Sonny dealt with in his …show more content…
I choose this story because it just really speaks to me, and I really empathized with Sonny in a way, I can feel the pain and suffering he had experienced all those years. When he talks at the end, his narrative just feels so powerful and it’s like you’ve taken his place for a short amount of time and experience his pain. I personally believe that one of the main reasons Sonny turned to the life of drugs, is because his inability to tell his story. In the story he tries to tell the Narrator so many times why his life the way it is, and each time his brother just shuts him down and turn away from him. The power of narrative is so powerful in this story that the only way for Sonny to become free from the life of drugs, is for someone to listen to his narrative . When he is unable to tell his story and let all of his suffering out, he stays in the dark. That is why narrative is so powerful, as Paul Zak once again states, we are social creatures and our happiness depends off of others. (discuss somewhere how everyone story of suffering is told in this