The societies of the Aztec and Inca were similar in some ways, but differences in the ruling bodies of each civilization led to differences in the lives of the people. The Inca people were ruled by a centralized, totalitarian government that consisted of the Sapa Inca, the head of the empire, as well as government officials for different areas they …show more content…
The Aztec economy was largely trade-based, and the farmers and artisans played a critical role in maintaining it. Crops such as corn, beans, squash and hemp, wood and other raw materials, medicine, and the goods produced by artisans were traded at regional marketplaces. Traders who traveled longer distances to obtain goods were held in high social esteem. While bartering for goods meant that in many cases, a currency was unnecessary, the Aztecs utilized cacao beans as currency for small purchases. Unlike the Aztecs, Inca people did not rely on free trade to support their economy. Unsurprisingly, this was due to the level of control the Incan government held over its people; the government regulated farming and controlled the distribution of goods in all regions of the empire. This system also eradicated the need for a currency—because the government decided exactly how much food and other supplies a family would need, there was no need for citizens to purchase anything.
Essentially, the numerous differences between the Aztec and Inca empires all stem from the fact that the Inca government was totalitarian and that freedoms allowed to Aztec peoples were denied to Inca peoples. The societies and lives of the people as well as the way resources were managed in these two empires were vastly different, but despite these differences, both empires were highly successful, and controlled massive amounts of land and wealth before the arrival of Spanish