This idea first came from the religion Hinduism as a path to eternal life with their god Brahman. Being at the top of the caste meant you were closer to reaching Brahman than the bottom group of people. If you do not reach Moksha, or life with Brahman, when you die, you will reincarnate back into the caste system. To move up the caste you can carry out your Dharma, or your moral duty. The tally of the good and bad you do is tallied at the end of your life and determines if you are given the chance to move up in the caste system when you are reincarnated. This religious thought put in a framework for the institution of the state. At the top of the caste was Brahmins, or priests and scholars, second was the warriors or Kshatriya, next is the merchants and peasants. Outside the system was “untouchables” or outcasts grouped with the slaves. The Sanskrit and other pieces of literature encouraged education and united the Indian people. The tedious and never ending cycle in Hinduism encouraged others to find a different belief. One religion that became popular was Buddhism. Their ideas were mingled into the Hindu system while the classical Buddhism was spread to China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. This religion believed in not Karma, but changing their thoughts towards one 's fate by surrendering desire. In one lifetime you can reach Nirvana, or the equivalent to Moksha, by following eight rules called the …show more content…
The belief in Ancestor worship carried on throughout history with strength, which came from every empire in the Americas. The Inca roads, jewelry and skilled architecture of temples still reigns today in the South American Andes Mountains. There are large ruins, such as the Machu Picchu, that supports how the America civilization was ran. These sites were abandoned after the spanish conquest and left for archaeologists to study in the later generations. From the Maya empire, trade routes were an established way for their economy to thrive. It connected the highlands of Guatemala to Mexico and Belize. This connection changed the way the Americas would interact for the rest of history. The Aztec civilization left the largest ruins from all of these civilizations, considering they were the largest empire at the time. Tenochtitlan was a large and prosperous Aztec city. Tenochtitlan became Mexico City which is now the center of Mexico with a population of almost 9 million people. Aztec influence is still seen in this city with ruins scattered throughout including classical political leverage. Inca had many different innovative ideas that blossomed into new inventions. They built roads, created stone architecture, made beautiful jewelry, and were skillful potters. This influenced history by expanding trade with roads and giving other civilizations a way to express themselves in art.