Compare And Contrast Functionalism And Family Violence

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Functionalism is one of three major social theories that focus on a particular part of a social problem. Functionalists think of society as a machine; every part of the society machine has its own function. When everything is running properly in the machine, then there is equilibrium of society. When it comes to functionalism, sometimes parts of society do not work properly. This is referred to as a dysfunction. These dysfunctions can vary in size and importance. If a dysfunction is immense and long lasting, this can create a dilemma for other parts in society. Functionalist concepts can also be defined as beneficial consequences of people’s actions. These functions can either be manifest or latent. Manifest function is an action that is intended to do well within the system while a latent function is a consequence that helps the unintended part of the social system. Functionalism is intended for people to see something and how it is related in other parts of the system.
Family violence is a broad range spectrum that can range from violence upon children to violence against the elderly. Family are the people who are supposed to love and support each other, however family is sometimes plagued with violence and cruelty. Family violence, also referred to as domestic violence and spousal violence, is a pattern of violent
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Physical violence is defined as hitting, slapping, biting, kicking, etc., intended to do harm on the victim by the abuser. People who believe in physical punishment are more likely to engage in abuse. Unrealistic expectations of children can cause frustration upon the parents, therefore resulting in physical punishment. Parents who were abused as children may either cause physical punishment on their children or not; there is no in between. This physical abuse is not limited to just the children. Physical violence is very common between spouses and

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