Essay On Structural Functionalism

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Structural functionalism is the theory that as a society grows larger the parts become a more complex and more specialized. The structural-functionalist approach is the idea in sociology that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote equilibrium and stability. The theory says that our lives are led by social structures, which are based off of patterns of social behavior. Social structures help give form to our lives and society through families, the community, and religious establishments. The orientation of functionalism is on a macro type of scale. The top theorists of functionalism were Comte, Martineau, Spencer, and Durkheim. The foundation of the whole theory was based on shared values. The focus was order, …show more content…
Conflict theory seems to pay more attention to class, race, and gender in this theory because they are seen as the base in an ever changing society. It also focuses on the negatives and conflicts between the two high and low classes. Karl Marx was a German philosopher who believed that history is a continuous clash between conflicting ideas and forces. Also he believed that class conflict is what is necessary for social change within a society. He said it was the bourgeoisie that had the power and social stature of the proletariats. He helped give an idea of what really happens within a society based upon social hierarchy between the classes. Max Weber was German scientist that used the industrial revolution and the changes it brought for his viewpoint on the subject. He did not believe that economy was the main source of social change. He believed in a more scientific approach instead of it based on values. Weber also believed that bureaucracy instead of class should determine the relationship between people and

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