Social problems then result from the dysfunction of certain parts. Prescription drugs have productive function in society. They ease the pain of patients and help the, recovery from ailment. They also give doctors and pharmacists the means to cure patients thus giving them jobs. But the dysfunction occurs once the drugs begin to be over used, abused and sold illegally. However, this dysfunction also functions to give jobs in the area of criminal justice and social service agencies dealing with addiction. All in all, the functionalist view finds good and evil in social problems. Although ultimately the goal is to eliminate dysfunction, this process offers productive functioning to the society members working against the problem. Symbolic Interactionism focuses more on a micro level, rather than the macro level of functionalism. They view society as the compilation of interactions between society members. Social problems then are based on people’s learned behaviors and defining a social problem is subjective to society members (Kendall 19). Symbolic interactionists believe that prescription drug abuse would have to be a learned behavior. Data from the National Survey on Drug
Social problems then result from the dysfunction of certain parts. Prescription drugs have productive function in society. They ease the pain of patients and help the, recovery from ailment. They also give doctors and pharmacists the means to cure patients thus giving them jobs. But the dysfunction occurs once the drugs begin to be over used, abused and sold illegally. However, this dysfunction also functions to give jobs in the area of criminal justice and social service agencies dealing with addiction. All in all, the functionalist view finds good and evil in social problems. Although ultimately the goal is to eliminate dysfunction, this process offers productive functioning to the society members working against the problem. Symbolic Interactionism focuses more on a micro level, rather than the macro level of functionalism. They view society as the compilation of interactions between society members. Social problems then are based on people’s learned behaviors and defining a social problem is subjective to society members (Kendall 19). Symbolic interactionists believe that prescription drug abuse would have to be a learned behavior. Data from the National Survey on Drug