These Asian Empires had many things in different politically but they also had their things in common. For China their methods of domestic control were attempting to pacify the frontier tribes by forming alliances by arranging marriages between them and local aristocrats and granting them trade privileges. China also had a dyarchy but at one point when the Ming dynasty fell and the Qing dynasty started, they kept the Ming political system with a few relative changes. As for their structure of administration, they had a hierarchical structure. China’s relationship with other countries was …show more content…
Their method of domestic control consisted of the Toyotomi assigning the lands as fiefs and giving them to local daimyos. Japan had a military dictatorship. Japan’s relationship with other nations was good at first. Japan had welcomed missionaries and the Portuguese to their ports and they traded but then Japan became an isolationist nation after the missionaries ruined shrines and converted them into Christian schools. Japan did not trade with other countries and just basically traded with themselves. Korea’s method of administration was very peaceful in a way. They were basically untouched and they became good allies with their powerful neighbor, China. Even so that they adopted Chinese institutions and values. Korea was heavily influenced by China and Japan. The Japanese invasion under Toyotomi HIdeyoshi in the late sixteenth century had a very bad impact on Korean society. Korea once again was barely touched by the