Colorblind Casting Essay

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Alexander Hamilton, One of Americas founding fathers, author of “The Federalist Papers,” and the gentleman on the ten dollar bill, has a riveting Broadway musical biography on his life by the great Lin-Manuel Miranda. What makes this show absolutely unique is that it not just white men dressed up in powdered white wigs, it’s a contemporary piece with scores of music in pop, hip-hop, R&B and only uses Black and Latino actors. In theatre, the concept of colorblind casting has been used for a long time but it is still a debate whether or not it’s an effective practice. Even the celebrated Black playwright August Wilson, in his speech addressed to the Theatre Communications Group National Conference “The Ground on Which I Stand” states that, “colorblind casting is an aberrant idea that has never had any validity other than as a tool of Cultural Imperialists who view American culture, rooted in the icons of European culture, as beyond reproach in its perfection … to mount an all-black production of a Death of a Salesman or any other play conceived for white actors as an investigation of the human condition through the specifics of white culture is to deny us our own humanity, our own history, and the need to make our own investigation from the cultural ground on which we stand as black Americans.” Nevertheless, Hamilton does exact opposite, it opens the audience to understanding that talent can transcend the characters and still tell the stories of our cultures history. Exploring concepts such as colorblind casting, we can see why “Hamilton” paved the way for new innovative ways to express American history because of its dedication to diversity in casting and music. To begin, understanding the theory of colorblind casting is essential to the discussion of this musical. …show more content…
“Hamilton” summoned a casting call requesting actors that are were only people of color. Many white performers got upset over this request. The notion of colorblind casting is supposed to produce an even playing field when auditioning for a role. Colorblind casting asks that the casting director to ignore race and concentrate merely on the actors ability to perform. The second notion is to end the racist custom of white actors doing blackface. Although, race is sometimes essential to the role of a character, we have to figure out a few things about the script. Is the script racially specific or is there no reference to race at all. These two types of scripts are “contextually specific or contextually neutral.” Sometimes it is okay to cast by race only when a play is specifically examining concerns of race. However, in the case of “Hamilton” and other shows like it, even though an actor may not historically match the role they represent, actors should be able to represent historical figures from any era (Marcus). This conscious artistic decision behind this casting move for “Hamilton” was not to hurt anyone feelings. Lin-Manuel Miranda, notes that this was intentional, “the story [becomes] more immediate and more accessible to a contemporary audience … allowing you to leave whatever cultural baggage you have about the founding fathers at the door” (Bennett). Because of Miranda’s “color-conscious” casting approach the characters they play oppose racism and nurtures better performances and productions due to performers stepping completely out of who they are. We learn how to tell stories without looking at ethnicity. And without people like Miranda we jeopardize the work

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