Why do we want to colonize Mars? Humans have a natural curiosity for the unknown; we have a great spirit of adventure, we are fascinated with the idea of an adventure, exploring the unknown. Colonizing Mars is a very challenging mission, but the once achieved the satisfaction and the glory of colonizing Mars will repay for all the hard work and dedication .Think about it the first people to set foot on Mars will be heroes and will become immortalized, just like Neil
Armstrong, the first man on the moon. Colonizing Mars …show more content…
At rate of 100 kWe the reactor would produce 900 kilograms of water per day .
Article 3 states that Mars and Earth have many similarities. Earth and Mars have some similarities in size, inclination, structure and composition. . Mars orbital period or the time it takes for Mars to compete an orbit around the sun is 687 earth days. Mars sidereal rotation is 24 hours and 40 minutes similar to earths 23 hour and 56 minute period. Mars axial is tilted 25.19 degrees which is also similar to earth; earth axial is at a 23 degree angle. Mars structure is also similar to earth; they both have a crust a mantel and a metallic core. Mars also has similar terrain mars has mountainous features, volcanos trenches canyons, plateaus and abyssal plains. Mars has a mean radius of 3,396 with is roughly half of Earth mean radius of
6371. Earth and Mars orbits are different. For example, Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of 149,598,261 km or one Astronomical Unit. Mars orbits at a distance of approximately 249,200,000 million km or 1.666 AU. At perihelion, when it is closest to the Sun, it orbits at a distance of approximately 206,700,000 million km or 1.3814 AU. The distance