Rule of Law is one democratic feature that existed in Colonial America,in the Rule of Law citizens obey the laws government makes. In document three, The Fundamental orders of Connecticut, it states that the General Court had the power to “...levy taxes…” (l.11) and had the power to “ public officials..” (1.12). Citizens could not ignore these powers that were given to the General Court, they had to obey them undertake the laws they established. …show more content…
During this time, slavery in the southern states proscribed that slaves had no legal rights. In document five, Plan of Slave Ship, it states that “Slaves had no legal rights…” (l.2) and that “Slavery was a permanent, hereditary condition.” (l.2) Not only were slaves proscribed to no legal rights, slaves were forced onto what is called a slave ship. The document states that the slaves went through “...horrible conditions on board a slave ship.” (l.3)
Citizen Participation was one of the many works in progress of Colonial America. Citizens had duties that included debating issues and voting in elections. Unfortunately, in document two, Voting Qualifications, we learn that only certain people had the right to participate as a citizen. For example the document states that in order to vote during this time people had to be “...Christian,White, and Male…” (l.1-13) People such as women, the homeless and slaves were not authorized to vote in elections. Therefore, it made this process in government a work in progress of Colonial