Colonel Jackson Research Paper

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It was 1814, Colonel Jackson and his men set foot down the Mississippi River in hopes of catching the British. The only thing Jackson's men had were their muskets and what food they could carry, which consisted of mostly pork and beans. After days of marching Jackson's men finally caught the British in the town of New Orleans. The plan was to hide behind surrounding cotton bales and brush, and to not shoot until they could see the whites of the Red Coats eyes. They could hear the beat of the drum in the distance, along with the stomping of their feet. It seemed to them that there was about 100 British headed there way, yet they stayed still and kept quiet until they approached. Once Jackson's men caught sight of the opponent's eyes, they pulled …show more content…
America was reluctant to send their goods to the old land because Britain was not the one who was doing all the hard work. The people from the old world left because they wanted to start their lives in a new fashion. Not a life where they were still being ruled by another country. The farmers had much more work to do in the New World than that they had before. Farmers would have to clear their own land, build their own houses, till their own land, and protect themselves from animals and Native Americans. Back in the old world things were only half the work. Usually the land was already cleared or they bought it from another farmer. They also did not have to constantly protect themselves from Native Americans. Once the farms were up and running word spread to Great Britain. The king at the time decided that since the people left his land that it was only fair that his people get their portion of the crops. America did not think this should have been the case. This ordeal sparked the King's attention so he decided that he would then restrict trade between the U.S. Once America realized this caused loss of money they had needed they to grew to despise Great Britain even more. Britain had to then reach out to other nations for raw materials. During this time the Royal Navy was patrolling the seas. This was to prevent free ships from importing and exporting goods. Stagg states “such activities necessarily drew Great britain into rivalry with other nations that had interest in these regions… but it was the uses Great Britain made of its Navy that was most problematic for the neutrals.” Since Great Britain did not use its Royal Army for greatness, they used it more for a dictatorship of the sea and trade. This caused more conflict between Britain and other nations as well. Madison on the other hand was trying to prevent this from happening, he even warned other about the actions what were

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