Professor Castor
12/4/17 Should College Athletes be Paid? “The typical Division I college football player devotes 43.3 hours per week to his sport -- 3.3 more hours than the typical American work week” (Edelman, Marc). Throughout the era of college sports there has been a large and continuous debate about why and whether college athletes should be paid for the services and income they provide their respective colleges. In most cases people agree that college students simply do not have the time to maintain a job while having to juggle college classes and sports practices. They end up having to rely on grants and their parent’s money to pay for their basic needs, …show more content…
Of course, schools give out scholarships to those players and basically get “free” education, but is it free? Something that is expensive doesn’t exactly mean that it cost a lot. Furthermore, college athletes are not guaranteed that they will become professionals at what they do even though they spent most of the time on the field during their college career. According to NCAA, only 1.3% of men’s basketball players go professional and 1.6% football players continue their careers in NFL (Wilbon, Michael). For comparison, only 0.9% women’s basketball goes professional, for baseball, 9.7%, for men’s ice hockey, 1.2%, and for men’s soccer only 0.7%. So, the chances are low to become a professional and start earning money for what you were doing since college career (Wilbon, Michael). The biggest obstacle that these players must face is injuries. Almost 30% of all NCAA college athletes gets injured before going professional in their sport (Hartnett, Tyson). At that time, when they are no longer able to continue playing they must attend school on regular basis and it Is very difficult to not do what they love. Therefore, college athletes should get paid in cases like …show more content…
"Forbes Welcome." Forbes.Com, 2014,
Hartnett, Tyson. "Why College Athletes Should Be Paid." Huffpost, 2014,
Wilbon, Michael. "Pay (Some Of) The Players." ESPN.Com, 2011,