College Athlete Research Paper

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Did you know 86 percent of college athletes are living below the poverty so that they may participate in sports, these statistics was found from the Nation College Players Association. While that on average college athletes practice for averagely around 45 hours a week almost meeting the amount of time a person can legally be working which is set at a maximum amount of 48 hours while being paid. College students have to juggle a life style of sleeping, schooling, and a sport. Meaning a regular college student will spend around 20 to 25 hours a week on school work, have on average 7 hours of sleep a day, participating in a sport taking up most of your schedule means that that life would be pretty rough not even adding if you needed a job. So …show more content…
If that were to happen the student wouldn’t have enough money to stay in school and also and would have a slight chance to get a job saying most businesses would rather have a healthy person then an injured person so there would be less of a chance for them to get sued or a lawsuit to be filed if they were to get hurt on the job. There for wouldn’t be able to pay for …show more content…
From a report from Pittsburgh Department of Neurological Surgery showed that out of college football athletes 34% had 1 concussion, 30 percent had received 2 or more concussions in their college career. Then if something serious happens they have nowhere to look for help because the only medical pay meant the NCAA will pay is if it is over 90,000. That is half the amount of money to buy a house which you won’t need to be injured for it. That just puts them more in a hole, also saying they won’t have enough money for personal expensive because unlike academic scholarships you have to use it all towards the school.
For a four-year college is costs around 10,000 to 11,000 dollars a year for living in the dorm. How are they supposed to get a job to pay for everything they need? If they don’t get paid or have a job they can’t get a car, which in return they can’t go get food. But they can’t even get a job because they were devoting their time to the colleges sport. Which if they get injured they probably wouldn’t be useful to the college and might have their scholarship taken away.
That’s why college students be paid. We need to stand up for them. Because not only are they a source of college input of money but not only that but for entertainment purposes to over 200 million people watch college football alone in 2014. Why put your body on the line if there is not a

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