After Germany and Japan surrendered the United States and U.S.S.R emerged the dominant powers went their separate ways trying to influence other countries to adopt their political views. It was referred to as the Cold War for the fact that these two super powers never fought directly against one another. Conflicts or proxy war such as Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan were attempts to dominate regions with their political influence and each side would soon find out that they created more enemies then allies.
During the initial stages of the Cold War propaganda outlets went into over drive trying to portray themselves as the good guys and the other as the ultimate evil. Many American bought into the red scare and were on board with the government to prevent its spread. An Iron Curtain would emerge between the East and the West blocking any sort of contact between the two sides with the exception of politics. We would see an arms race greater than that of World War I and II combined. Each side developed and arsenal of Nuclear weapons which some would say could have led to World War III or prevented it all together. Korea kicked off the first escalation between the two powers. The United Nations backed force lead by the United States fought force the south against the communist north and China who were supported by the U.S.S.R. The Korean War broke out after World War II ended. Ultimately there would be no victor and an armistice would be called effectively separating the country in half on July 27, 1953. They United States would be drawn into Asia yet again in 1954 this time in Vietnam. For almost 20 years the United States fought against the communist back north in fear that all of Asia would soon fall to communism just like China and North Korea. North Vietnam emerged victorious and communism spread further into Asia. During the Vietnam War the tension between the U.S. and …show more content…
The last escalation that we see was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on December 25, 1979. Prior to the invasion Afghanistan was ruled by a pro-Soviet government. Rebellion soon brook out in 1978 and the Soviets invaded to help their allies. The United States covertly sent in the CIA to train rebel groups to help fight the Soviets. This was an attempt to make sure that they didn’t get their own forces directly involved. In the end the Soviets had to pull out. During this time the cold war was thawing down with the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. By 1991 the Soviet Union was no longer at the height of it power and could no longer keep up with the United States Financially. Ultimately it was at this point that the Cold War would end. Although diplomatic relations are not as harsh the U.S. is still not allies with Russia