The Cold War Dbq Analysis

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War. A subject matter that isn’t that hard to understand, for example the definition according to google is, “a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.” This definition isn’t really that meaningful because it doesn’t say anything about how wars are started, how it affects society, economics, culture, and many other things. Although google gives a very broad definition of war, every war is different no matter what happens. Every war has started differently, different people dead, different consequences and historical background that has shaped the future of the world we live in. Each war leaves scars, either on a textbook,someone's
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For a refresher Russia and the USA were in an idea war. This war included which type of economic system is better capitalism or communism. This war included the new and hip modern weapon that could destroy a world. is a website that allows you to drop nuclear weapons anywhere in the world and see the destruction of that weapon. This wouldn’t matter unless Russia and the USA were constantly making and testing these weapons for intimidation. Russia especially spent 27% of their economy on military which brought major impacts on how the Cold war ended. This weapon race was called the arms race, and the Unite States was winning by a long shot. Until M.A.D, or Mutual Assured Destruction where both countries were now equal in the race. This equality resulted in both sides acknowledge that they could destroy each other and,” whoever shoots first, dies second.” This was chaos, and the media projected the chaos with so much propaganda. The United States was shook, and started making posters, shows, instructions on how to protect yourself from the communistic ideals forming the society we live …show more content…
N.p., 05 Dec. 2009. Web. 21 May 2017. "Mutual Assured Destruction." Nuclear Files: Key Issues: Nuclear Weapons: History: Cold War: Strategy: Mutual Assured Destruction. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 201

Finally, the battle of Karansebes where an, army attack themselves causing in 10,000 wounded and dead. This battle was very confusing as much of the information wasn’t written down. This battle comprised of the Austrian army that had many ethnic groups with different languages and culture. The ethnic groups are as follows,Austrians, Czechs, Germans, French, Serbs, Croats, and Polish, This difference was very confusing when gypsies came to the army and offered alcohol that made the soldiers take a quick break. Some soldiers refused the alcohol and this started a fight within the army. While the soldiers were getting drunk shots were fired across the river they were guarding the words, “Turks Turks!” The soldiers quickly fled away but heard German soldiers yelling “Halt, Halt!” The majority of Austrian soldiers didn’t know how to speak German, but did hear, “ Allah!” which refers to Islamic turks praying to their god. This mishap lead the Austrian soldiers to open fire on the German soldiers; even though there was no threat in the proximity. 10,000 people died, and the Turkish army finally showed up and took over without any

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