From the start, America knew that the arrangements being taken by certain individuals in the areas of Europe and Asia were unjust. Immediately, President Truman stepped in and took it as his responsibility to prevent this from going any further. During a Cold War speech of his, Mr. Truman made it known to the American citizens that …show more content…
Eisenhower made a speech that simply states the fact that The United States was successful at their mission. By the time our country reached half way through 1954, “Latin American was free”. Castillo Armas supported air strike which allowed our country to cause to the diminishing of Arbenz (Document I). This is direct proof that because we were capable of having others support our hatred for communism, it was weakened in specific areas. As a result, these countries were also stripped of the capability of spreading the unreasonable idea. Although we were in a “race” during this point of history, in the end, the Asians became our friends for the time being. If nothing else, our nations were civil with each other. In 1969, the Nixon Doctrine stated that we would keep the treaties made with the Asian countries, but the concern of internal security would be handled themselves (Document J). Making agreements with a country that we previously concluded starting war against was a sign of a huge step. America proved that they now trusted Asia and had the will the make agreements with them. By doing this, it acted as a hope of never having to go through this process