Clinical Correlation Essay

Improved Essays
Clinical Correlation Essay

For this clinical correlation the two diseases that will be the topics of discussion are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. Firstly, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disorder that effects not only your joints but also your skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels. It is an autoimmune disorder that occurs when your immune system attacks your own body’s tissues by mistake. It specifically targets the lining of your joints which results in a painful swelling and possibly bone erosion as well as joint deformity over time resulting in permanent damage. Common identifying symptoms are joint redness, function loss, warmth, deformity and swelling. The joints affected are most commonly found in a symmetrical
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Osteoporosis mean “porous bone” which corresponds to the look of an effected bone. A healthy bone, when viewed under a microscope, looks like a honeycomb but an effected bone has many more spaces and holes within resulting in the weakness of the bone. The gapping holes causes the bone to be less dense due to the loss of bone mass. When you are young your body will produce new bone more rapidly than it will break down old bone, but as you age, this process slows. Your body beings to break down bone more quickly than it produces new bone, resulting in the weakness of bones. Your osteoclasts are overactive whereas your osteoblasts are under active. It is for this reason that it is found to be more common in men and women above the age of 50 due to the slowing rate of bone production within the body. Osteoporosis is often referred to as a silent disease due to the lack of identifiable symptoms. You cannot feel your bones weakening and the first identifier is having an extremely painful break or fracture. Another identifier that is less prominent is for the patient to notice that he or she is experiencing a height loss or their spine is curving in a hunched manner. There is no cure for osteoporosis but doctors will prescribe a medication for the disease known as bisphosphonates. These medications will slow the thinning of your bones as

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