How To Solve The Problem Of Climate Change Persuasive Essay

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The subject of climate change has been hotly debated over the past decade. It is now obvious that the climate is changing and that it is more than likely going to cause problems in the future. The amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere has considerably increased since the Industrial Revolution. As fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and crude oil are burned, carbon dioxide is discharged into the atmosphere where it is trapped. This is called the greenhouse effect and although essential to the survival of all life on Earth, this process has gotten out of hand recently.
There are solutions to this problem but action needs to be taken by those in power. It is the responsibility of every able nation as well as all individuals to participate in the effort to decrease the quantity of carbon dioxide being let loose into the atmosphere before the problem is escalated to a point where it cannot be controlled. First, it is unquestionable that something needs to be done about the accelerated
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Granted, the world is in fact naturally warming up but the rate at which it is occurring is obviously not natural. Denial is the worst enemy of progress and could be the worst natural enemy of all. Others argue that since there is plenty of plants and trees around it will eventually suck all of it up. However, since there is a relentless sufficiency of deforestation plants and trees will not be able to keep up and can not solve the problem alone. Another common argument made is that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant and therefore does not damage the Earth. Still, carbon dioxide is greatly harmful in the detrimental effects it brings to us and consequently cause a great deal of damage. All skeptics against the fighting against ruthless climate change are simply in a state of denial against an abundance of scientific

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