Classroom Observation Paper

Improved Essays
1. How do you incorporate and integrate dramatic play into your curriculum? Provide examples.
The Dramatic Area is changed often and relates to the lesson plan/topic. They have clocks, calendars, writing materials, phones, clothes for dress up, dishes, food, babies, etc. They also make the center into a store, with a cash register, play money, items for sale, etc.
When it’s a vets office, they have stuffed animals, doctors bag, etc.
For a doctors office they have babies, a doctors bag, etc.

2. How do you incorporate and integrate sensory centers into your curriculum? Provide examples.
In Sensory Play children learn from using their hands to touch, eyes to look, mouth to taste, ears to hear, and nose to smell. They use various ways daily.
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When reading, the students listen to the story being read.
In music/dance, the students act out animal sounds as well as walk and act like the animal, they also listen to songs.
The students also have the opportunity to help make snacks, in that activity that taste, smell, touch, and see the snack being made.

Observation of Sensory Centers:

1. Describe in writing two sensory activities you observed. One of these activities must be a block center.
I observed the students playing in the block center with medium sized wood blocks in one and Legos in the another. In centers, the students were put into groups and each group would rotate from one center to the next every 15 minutes.

The following questions pertain to the block center only:
2. How many children were in the block center at one time?
The teachers split the students up into groups of three that day, so there were three students in the block center at a time.
3. Were these the same children for the entire time you observed?
No, the teachers rotated the students every 15 minutes so that all the students had the opportunity to play with the blocks.
4. How many boys? How many

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