What’s your name?” “ I’m Tom. Nice to meet you!” I happily replied. Now it is currently 1863, and the war is still going on. Both me and Dave are starting to get sick of this. This has to be the longest battle ever in history. We’re starving, exhausted, and tired. We don’t have much time for rest, it’s not fun. I’m staying strong because I think most people on the Northern America side is wanting to be slave free. Me and my group are moving to our new spot suddenly. ZIPPP! A bullet nearly hits me, then I scream,” Get Down!” Now there is an all new fight going on. We stand our ground, trying our hardest to win. Then I hear a scream. I look over at Dave, he’s on the ground covered in blood. He was just shot. I feel like my heart skipped a beat. I just sadly realized the only person in war that I knew just died. I was sitting from depression looking at him. Then I mumbled,” I knew Dave well, he’d want me to keep fighting hard.” Not that many people are left on the confederate side of the war. We don’t have many more that them though. I’m still very tired, hungry, and exhausted. Im also very eager for this war to end. Personally I think the war should come to an end soon. We’ve been fighting for about four years hopefully it’s over
What’s your name?” “ I’m Tom. Nice to meet you!” I happily replied. Now it is currently 1863, and the war is still going on. Both me and Dave are starting to get sick of this. This has to be the longest battle ever in history. We’re starving, exhausted, and tired. We don’t have much time for rest, it’s not fun. I’m staying strong because I think most people on the Northern America side is wanting to be slave free. Me and my group are moving to our new spot suddenly. ZIPPP! A bullet nearly hits me, then I scream,” Get Down!” Now there is an all new fight going on. We stand our ground, trying our hardest to win. Then I hear a scream. I look over at Dave, he’s on the ground covered in blood. He was just shot. I feel like my heart skipped a beat. I just sadly realized the only person in war that I knew just died. I was sitting from depression looking at him. Then I mumbled,” I knew Dave well, he’d want me to keep fighting hard.” Not that many people are left on the confederate side of the war. We don’t have many more that them though. I’m still very tired, hungry, and exhausted. Im also very eager for this war to end. Personally I think the war should come to an end soon. We’ve been fighting for about four years hopefully it’s over