I was the first and only person to ever score 100 points in a game. I’m the the only person to average 50 points and 25 rebounds in a season. I’m a top 5 NBA player of all time. I'm Wilt Chamberlain. I was born August 21, 1936 in Philadelphia, PA. Overbrook High School is where my basketball started to stand out from the rest and I began my dominance that I would have for many years to come. Going through high school I started as a freshman 6’6” and finished 6’11”, but even after Highschool I grew another 2 inches.
I attended The University of Kansas from 1956 through 1958 where I played basketball, through my 2 seasons. I averaged 30 points and 18 rebounds while making it to the title game once, but not winning. After my Sophomore year of college at Kansas I wanted to declare for the NBA draft. However, due to NBA rules I was ineligible due to age. During the year I couldn't play, so I joined the Harlem …show more content…
I am the only person to ever do any of those things, and it will probably be that way for a long time.
I moved into 4th all time in scoring in 1966 when I was 28 , and 1st all time in rebounds in 1964 when I was only 26—a great player rarely wouldn't reach top 10 in anything until around 30. In 1974 I moved into 4th all time in triple doubles. If you don't know what a triple double is, it is when you have at least 3 stats out of points, assists, steals, blocks, or rebounds that are in double digits. Through my career I broke 72 records with 68 of them being individual records.
I had a shorter career than most, yet In 1979 I was inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame for the jaw dropping statistics and the heart and soul I put into the game of basketball. During my life after basketball I was just doing sponsorships and having fun, but on Oct 12, 1999 I passed due to a heart