Many People believe that after death, man falls into a complete nothingness, or that he will come to earth as another being. The biblical world view is different from these ideas because it holds onto the hope that although every man’s body will disintegrate, his spirit will continue to live. However, it will not remain on this earth; instead, it will be sent to one of two places: heaven or hell. One day, the Messiah will come back to earth and everyone will be judged. Those who listened to God’s teachings and truly believed that Jesus Christ is their Savior will be sent to heaven to live forever in a new body. The bible offers a glimpse of heaven when it says, “He [God] will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4) While many will spend eternity in heaven, others do not have such a pleasant destination in store for them after death. Those who refused God’s grace will be cast into hell, where there will be gnashing of teeth, sadness, and banishment from the very presence of God. The people who will end up in hell are the people who, as Abraham said, had the teachings of Moses and the Prophets to listen to, but chose not to believe. (Luke 16:29) Originally, Hell was created for the devil and his angels. The bible clarifies this, “Then He will say to …show more content…
Society, especially in the 21st century, is constantly challenging the belief system of Christians. If a Christian does not fully and strongly understand the world view that he believes, he will be unable to respond when challenged, and possible, lose his own faith. Christianity is backed up with reason; if it were not, Christianity would be no more than superstition. Dr. Francis Schaeffer explains that Christianity is not like a leap into a dark room, but rather into a light. (Schaeffer) There are plenty of good and sufficient answers to the questions about why God allowed suffering into the world, what happens after death, and the meaning of history; they must simply be