Child Abuse In Russian Orphanages

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8 year old Dannil Kridrun was brutally battered for a long period time while living with his foster parent, the ones who were supposed to be there for him and love him. Only after Kridrun ran away was there anything done, and he boy was taken away. Child abuse is something most people believe is morally wrong. Orphanages in Russia is known for being unsafe for a child, 50 to 90 percent of the children who grow up in the Russian orphanages grow up to be alcoholics, drug addicts, or even commit suicide. Parents who give birth to disable children are either forced to give them up to orphanages. Some of this children whom live in the orphanages are mistreated or abused by the untrained staff.
95 percent of orphan have at least either their mother or father alive. Families are often persuaded to give their disabled children up for adoption. Families that give up their children will mostly never see them again. The staff at the orphanages discourage their families for the fact that it will “spoil” the children. If the families do keep the children they are often judge for it by the rest of the community. “The Russian government should establish zero tolerance policy for violence against children in intuitions and immediately strengthen,”( Russian Children.)
The children who grew up in orphanages are not mentally stable to love in the real world,
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The Russian Officials have put a law towards disables families allowing them to keep there children and not be punished for it. Thought these laws are in placed towards the abuse of children nothing is ever truly done. The Russian laws officials need to be more strict on the people who work at the orphanages. We as Americans much take a stand together to help increase the awareness of these innocent children whom have no choice, but to live with an unfair

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